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Asssalaamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh
I would share you the video that i made on Youtube about my speech entitled "Fasting in Ramadhan"

Let’s check in this link 👇

That’s all about my video, thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe and like my video..


Assalamualaikum wr wb, My name is Elma this occasion i would like to present my speech entitled “Fasting”
The honorable Mrs. Dini Haiti Zulfany. As  my lecturer and my beloved friends.
Firstly , let’s thank Allah SWT, The almighty who has been giving us his mercy and blessing  till we can attend this meeting without any obstacle in this good place and time.
Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be with our Prophet Muhammad SAW,  who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness in the world as well as in the next world.
Thirdly,  I will never  forget  to thank Mrs. Dini  who has given me opportunity to deliver my speech in front of you all.
Fasting is to refrain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset.
The holy month Ramadhan has a special place in islam. Therefore , Our Prophet Muhammad SAW  and his disciples show great concern for this noble month .
In the Chapter  Al-Baqarah verse 183 Allah swt saying :
Means : those who believe in the compulsory upon you fast as enjoined upon those before you that you to devout
Fasting is decreed by Allah SWT to the nation of prophet Muhammad SAW and in the same way, He had decreed to the nations before them.  According to a tradition of the prophet that every good work of adam’s offspring is rewarded by a margin between ten fold to seven hundred fold except fasting.
In this regard Allah swt says :
“ Fasting is for me and i will reward it in accordance with the degree of dedication and sincerity in the act of fasting ”.
All my happy friends,,,
The  prophet Muhammad SAW  urges muslims to do fasting seriously and to avoid actions or utterances that would spoil their fasting or invalidate it ciompletely.
Our prophet Muhammad SAW give his example in his famous narrate saying :
“ One who didn’t keep of his fasting he would not reach anything except thirst and hunger ”.
In the holy month of ramadhan, every muslim is urged not only to abstain from food, and drink , but also from sins that can be comitted through the eyes , ears , lips and heart.
“ If  my nation know the virtues of ramadhan they would have wished the whole year to be Ramadhan “.
And indeed ,  this will be true that Ramadhan is a month in which the doors of heaven are opened , the doors of hell are closed and the major devils , all are chained to help muslims to worship Allah with dedication.
Similarly , he urged his followers to enliven  these nights to search the special night which is called “ Lailatul Qadr “  in  which  angels are led by Gabril descend on earth and pray for mercy  for the faitfuls .
That’s all my speech ,  i’m sorry if i have mistake , thank you very much for your attention .


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