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Today, I visited at Auditorium UNTAN in event Dies Natalis Tanjungpura University.  I visited at least 7 Stand.

First, I visited American Corner (Amcor) Stand. In amcor shown are books in english language. some foreign novels and and lost of fun games. And then the other uniqueness in the stand have a doodle-pen that can be try by visitor. This is a photos when I take a picture at American Corner, btw I wear a pink hijab and beside me is my best friend,  like a twins right? wkwk 🙈🙈

Second, I visited UPT Bahasa. In UPT Bahasa shown a books about Toefl Test, Tutep and ITP. The uniqueness in the place is the visitors can try toefl test provided on-site and free !! If you won, you get a doorprize from UPT Bahasa. Unluckly, I didn’t get a doorprize 😢😢

Third, I visited Chemistry stand.this is stand of my Faculty. The uniqueness of stand is shown flower made from soap and a brumsateul that made from atsiri oil and water. 
In this stand you can try simple lab work like Titration.

Next, I visited BCLC or Brithis Culture and Language Center. In this stand  if we write a dreamer  in future at the paper. We can get a small ballpoint from BCLC. 
In this stand we can know about IELTS test. IELTS is international English Language Testing System. 

Fifth, I vidsited at UNTAN Library. in this stand you can  find a lot of book . there is a fiction books until sains books. And all of  thesis from all faculty of Tanjungpura University saved in Library. amazingg ..

Sixth, I visited Kedai Prancis. In stand you can play game babyroot. And you can take a pitcure with accessories about French. 

Finally, I visited History education stand. in this stand you can see handycrafts from student of  Education history study program.
 and the uniqueness from stand is miniature Borobudure temple made of paper. 
That’s all thank u for you’re attention..


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