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a special skills

After doing an interview with me, let’s see biography of my friend who have a special skills.

            Abdul afif was born on 1 November 1998, was the first child of three brothers. He started his elementary school at SDN 09 Pontianak, he continued as a student at MtsN1 Pontianak and proceed again to the level of a high school in MAN 1 Pontianak.
A man who has a hobby of singing is very fond of following  competitions since he was in high school, he was also joined with a  community Nasyid in school. The community named JADRAY VOICE that has carved out a few achievements. The talent that he had appeared when he joined in the extracurricular when high school. Actually it's not so liked the nasyid but was forced by his best friend while in high school. And finally he started liking it slowly.
The award he ever achieves the form : Idol Nasyid Khatulistiwa in 2014, As students are over achievers in the extracurricular Nasyid,, Nasyid contest Festami Untan 2014-2015-1016, Nasyid Competition at IAIN, Runner up Nasyid Competition at FKMI ULUL ALBAB , Runner up Nasyid Competition at FKMI Al-Mizan 2014 and etc.

            Not only that he and the community Jadray Voice too often fill the entertainment events on television (TVRI), in radio and some events held in Pontianak.
            He also has a sideline talent of Beatbox and is also incorporated in the existing community of beatbox in Pontianak. The community named Beatbox Street Pontianak (BSP). He began to join the community of beatbox since 2 months ago.
Here's one example of the video when he beatbox, lets see guys J


Thanks for your attention JJJ


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